LENS - Lutheran Earthkeeping Network of the Synods


There’s something for everyone, no matter your experience or comfort level!

 Become better informed on the issues

  • Find out who your legislators are (and be sure to vote!)
  • Follow news stories on the issue in the media & other publications
  • Link up with an organization or network to get info and “alerts” (faith-based & secular)

Discuss issues with your friends

  • Raise awareness of those around you in your “sphere of influence” at your job, school, church, etc. …it also gives you practice in articulating what your position is

Take personal actions that also make a public statement

Actions and choices that make a “witness” in your congregation, community, job

  • Use the power of the market in a boycott of targeted products/companies
  • Write to your elected officials (or phone, fax, email)
    • Remember to also thank them, privately (another letter) or publicly (media / letter to editor)
    • Write a follow-up letter, if needed (if they don’t answer your question or address your concern)
    • As few as ten handwritten letters can make a significant difference [or many phone calls]
  • Write a letter to the Editor of your local newspaper
    • Share your views with your community
    • Encourage the paper to take an editorial stand on an issue
    • Line up “allies” to write subsequent letters in support of your position

Join a local grassroots activist group

  • There’s power in numbers, and a louder voice
  • Working on an issue close to home is always important – “think globally, act locally”
  • Attend a public meeting or hearing
    • Just sitting in the crowd (and maybe wearing a “message” t-shirt) can show support
    • Speak up at that public meeting or hearing [plan talking points ahead]
    • Bring friends along & remember that the officials you will address are just people, too
  • Take part in a (non-violent) public demonstration
    • It can have an impact on the public and the authorities / entities you want to reach if enough people are involved and if it’s covered by the media [perhaps hold a press conference!]

Visit your legislators

  • Go with 2 – 3 others, if possible and plan ahead for who will make what points & in what order
  • Speaking with conviction from the heart is key, but also know your facts
  • Be specific, if possible, on what you’d like the legislator to do or not do
  • During an election year, attend and ask questions at candidate forums / town meetings

“Nobody made a greater mistake than the one who did nothing because he [or she] could only do a little”

--- Statesman and orator Edmund Burke (1729-1797)


Prepared by Kim Winchell, Diaconal Minister (revised June 2005)