About the Responsibility to Address Global Climate Change
Society of Friends Statement on Global Climate Change

At the June 2000 session of Interim Meeting, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting approved this minute on the responsibility to address global climate change:

Protecting God's Earth and its fullness of life is of fundamental religious concern to the Society of Friends. The links between human activity, the dramatic rise in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and the rise of average global temperatures are now of sufficient concern to lead us to action.

Climate change is apt to affect everyone and everything: food, water, air quality, biodiversity, forests, public health, social order and world peace. It is therefore an issue of great importance for ecological sustainability, social and economic justice, and international diplomacy.

Because the United States uses much more energy per capita than any other nation, our policies to curtail greenhouse gas emissions will be crucial. We must consider not only the kind of fuels used directly but also the energy embodied in all material goods we use. Our nation has long set a standard for others with consequences of past and current behavior.

Involvement by religious communities in education and advocacy will be needed if policies to address global warming are to succeed in politics or in practice in the US. We unite in urging individual Friends, monthly meetings, and other Friends organizations to seek Divine Guidance in understanding how to:

These are essential steps to protect life on Earth as God creates and sustains it.

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