No Glaciers in Glacier National Park?
Glaciers are melting, islands are drowning, wildlife is vanishing. Because of

global warming, our most cherished vacation spots may soon cease to exist.

And travelers are part of the problem.



 By Mike Tidwell

Special to The Washington Post

Sunday, September 9, 2001; Page E01

Sit back, close your eyes and imagine your favorite vacation spot. That
secluded cabin on the Chesapeake. That five-star beach resort in Martinique.

The powdery slopes of Aspen in winter. The narrow streets of Paris in summer.

Now imagine your Chesapeake cabin flooded up to the bunk pillows by rising
bay water. The Martinique hotel boarded up and forever closed due to record

hurricanes. Those Aspen slopes snow-free and downright balmy. And Paris so

hot and smoggy that you venture out for baguettes only between Jerry Lewis

reruns in your air-conditioned Left Bank hotel room.

Why entertain such dreadful thoughts? Because a growing body of scientific
evidence points to a trend that could spell heartbreak for future tourists

and catastrophe for many sectors of the tourism industry. Global warming,

driven mostly by carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases spewed skyward

by the world's bustling fossil-fuel economy, could negatively affect many of

the world's most-visited tourist destinations within the next few decades.

And tourists themselves, ironically, are contributing mightily to the
problem, traveling in ever-higher numbers on a planet where virtually every

new snowmobile, jumbo jet, cruise liner, Winnebago, hot tub and

air-conditioned hotel ballroom draws power ultimately from oil, gas or coal.

These fuels, once burned, add directly to the CO2 load threatening the very

destinations people love to visit.

If you have trouble picturing your own favorite getaway spot despoiled by
global warming and its seemingly science-fictionlike consequences, consider

the physical evidence already on display:

• Spawned by just one degree of planetary warming in the 20th century,
glaciers worldwide are retreating at breathtaking speed. Spots like Africa's

fabled Mount Kilimanjaro will be ice-free in just 15 years and Montana's

Glacier National Park will be devoid of glaciers in 70 years if current

trends hold, according to recent studies.

• Coral reefs, which attract multitudes of flipper-footed tourists to
tropical playgrounds worldwide, are likewise in free-fall decline.

Twenty-seven percent of the world's reefs have been destroyed in the past 50

years due to rising sea surface temperatures and other factors, and another

32 percent are at risk of dying by 2050, again with water temperature a

factor, according to the Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, an

international clearinghouse for coral reef studies in Townsville, Australia.

• Far-flung travel guides and outfitters report strange and suddenly
unpredictable rainfall patterns worldwide that frustrate tourist activities,

and warmer temperatures that could widen the range of malaria-bearing

mosquitoes, affecting potentially millions of travelers.

• Perhaps the most surreal indication of what might be in store comes from
the idyllic, tourist-friendly island nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati, in the

South Pacific. Tuvalu is developing concrete emigration plans to evacuate its

islands – perhaps entirely – in this century, migrating en masse to "host

countries" like New Zealand. This is because scientists say sea-level rise

could inundate Tuvalu and other low-lying island countries almost entirely as

polar ice melts and ocean water expands. Rising ocean water in Kiribati is

already destroying coastal roads and crops.

Beyond the obvious hardships on local populations, these and other
climate-related changes could have a huge impact on many sectors of the

travel and tourism business. That industry is now the world's largest,

accounting for 11 percent of the world's gross economic product in 1999, with

$3.5 billion in direct and indirect receipts, according to the World Travel &

Tourism Council (WTTC), an industry trade association based in London.

"Tourism is an industry harmed by any harm to the environment. Period," says
Bill Maloney, executive vice president of the American Society of Travel

Agents in Alexandria. "Global warming is definitely on our radar screen of


Jerry Mallett, president of the Adventure Travel Society, an international
trade association in Salida, Colo., dials up the concern level much higher.

"Given the growing scientific data, my fear is we're all going to wake up
soon and find the places we love totally gone – even in our lifetime," says

Mallett. "Global warming is a train wreck about to hit the world tourism

business, and I think we've all been asleep at the switch."

Alarming Predictions

Underlying much of the recent concern are the unsettling findings of the most
authoritative global-warming report to date, published this summer by the

U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The

3,000-page "Third Assessment Report," drawing exclusively on published,

peer-reviewed studies conducted by thousands of the world's leading

climatologists, oceanographers, geographers and other scientists, projects a

warming of between 2.5 and 10.4 degrees Fahrenheit in global mean surface

temperatures by 2100, unless greenhouse gas emissions are cut well below

current levels. This warming would be the fastest in more than 10

millenniums, with potentially profound disruptions to human life worldwide.

In June, at the request of President Bush, a panel of top American scientists
– including previous skeptics about global warming – reviewed the IPCC report

under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences and confirmed its

fundamental findings that global warming is a real phenomenon – and is

getting worse.

Ralph J. Cicerone, the chancellor of the University of California at Irvine
who led the NAS panel, said in an interview that the IPCC report is

"admirable science." While acknowledging that uncertainty exists over the

exact nature of some impacts from warming, Cicerone said he hoped the NAS

review would dispel unwarranted, lingering doubts about the reality of

human-induced global warming.

As for tourism, the IPCC report projects warming scenarios with negative
implications for everything from bird-watching to urban walking tours.

A few regions might actually benefit. Canada, for example, could have a
longer season for golf and other outdoor recreation, according to the IPCC.

But on the whole, the forecast is not good, with potentially major injuries

to ecosystems and wildlife worldwide (and the ecotourism companies they

sustain); less snow and ice for winter recreation; and adverse impacts on

fishing, white-water rafting and many other recreational pursuits, as

interior continental regions get hotter and drier.

The most alarming impact could come from sea-level rise, which the IPCC
projects could reach as high as three feet by 2100. A rise of only half that

much would wreak havoc on seaside resorts and ports of call worldwide as

seawater erodes beaches, inundates coastal property and intrudes into

drinking water. America's coastlines alone, according to the IPCC, attract as

many as 180 million recreational visitors each year.

"And all U.S. coastlines are vulnerable, absolutely," says Virginia Burkett,
an American wetlands scientist and lead author of the IPCC report section on

coastal areas. "Given even middle-range sea-level rise associated with

climate change, shorelines will tend to peel back and transgress inland.

Whatever beach tourists tend to visit, they'll likely see some significant

level of degradation."

Unprecedented Changes

The impact of rising temperatures is already being observed by scientists
and, anecdotally at least, by some tour operators.

The IPCC report cites a diverse array of evidence suggesting the planet is
undergoing an unprecedented transition away from the relatively stable

climate of the past 10,000 years. "Recent regional climate changes,

particularly temperature increases, have already affected many physical and

biological systems," according to the report. In addition to glacier retreat

and declining coral reefs, these effects include "thawing of permafrost,

later freezing and earlier break-up of ice on rivers and lakes . . . poleward

and altitudinal shifts of plant and animal ranges, declines of some plant and

animal populations, and earlier flowering of trees, emergence of insects, and

egg-laying in birds."

Many tourism outfitters report equally strange weather phenomena and
consequences. Will Weber, founder and director of Journeys International in

Ann Arbor, Mich., believes his adventure travel company is being affected by

global warming. Weber has spent the past 23 years organizing thousands of

trips on every continent, from rafting the Zambezi River to ice camping on

the Antarctic Peninsula to horseback riding across Patagonia. But in the past

10 years, he says, he's become increasingly unable to answer two questions

most commonly asked by his clients: What's the weather going to be like where

I'm going, and how do I prepare for it?

"The weather's just turned really wacky almost everywhere we do business,"
says Weber. "Fifteen years ago, if you were going to the Serengeti in April,

you'd be guaranteed to see rain. Now? Who knows? Around the planet, we see

dryness in wet seasons and rain in dry seasons, weird temperatures and weird

storms. We're just not sure what to tell people anymore."

While it's possible Weber is simply observing natural weather variations in
the regions where he operates, the retreat of glaciers worldwide is beyond

dispute. That retreat is creating headaches for companies like Weber's. Base

camp facilities constructed at the foot of a glacier are a mile from the ice

10 years later. Just now, Weber has a group of Boy Scouts scheduled to climb

Credner Glacier on Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro, but he's afraid the glacier

will be diminished beyond recreational use by the time the scouts arrive

later this year.

Travelers devoted to ecotourism – perhaps the industry's fastest-growing
sector with a 20 percent annual growth rate and $154 billion in receipts in

2000, according to the International Ecotourism Society in Burlington, Vt. –

could face the greatest disappointment of all. Rising temperatures will

almost certainly inflict significant harm on fragile ecosystems worldwide,

according to the IPCC, increasing existing risks of species extinction and

loss of biodiversity. Ecosystem collapse would be likely in many regions.

Areas of particular vulnerability include:

• Polar ecosystems, where Antarctic penguins have already declined by half
over the past 50 years due to warming sea-surface temperatures, and where

Hudson Bay polar bears are having smaller litters, apparently due to ice


• Africa, where any significant disruption of historic rainfall patterns
could seriously affect big-game safaris, throwing into chaos the fragile

fabric of plant and animal life linked to the age-old migration of species

like the wildebeest in the Serengeti. These complex ecosystems, once lost,

might never be restored.

• Seaside resorts and beaches worldwide, where rising sea levels could result
in beach erosion, flooding and drinking-water contamination.

• Large European and North American cities, which may become undesirable in
summer because of heat and worsened urban air quality. Low-lying coastal

cities like Venice, New Orleans and Miami would have the added challenge of

sea-level rise.

• The tropics, where the IPCC projects storms will likely grow more powerful
in a rapidly warming world. Storms could usher in the ultimate poison pill

for tourism-dependent businesses: the inability to get insurance. Geoffrey

Wall, a tourism expert and geographer at Ontario's University of Waterloo who

helped author the IPCC section on tourism. and others say if storms become

more fierce, insurance rates will almost certainly rise in many coastal

areas, with uninsurability a potentially widespread scenario. Insurance rates

are already climbing in the Caribbean region, according to Wall, due largely

to increased storm damage.

To illustrate the danger, analysts point to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the
costliest natural disaster in American history. Andrew bankrupted nine

insurance companies, throwing the Florida insurance industry into crisis at

the same time IPCC scientists began forecasting more intense storms as the

globe warms.

Paying the Price

To date, no one has attempted to quantify the total potential financial loss
to tourism spawned by unchecked global warming. How do you put a price tag on

Australia's Great Barrier Reef? Or the dreamlike climate of the Turkish

Mediterranean coast in spring? By any reckoning, the threat is potentially

enormous and, with the IPCC report, beginning to resonate with industry

leaders. Already, the first-ever international conference on climate change

and tourism has been scheduled for October in Greece, involving

climatologists, industry analysts, government policymakers and business

owners. A second conference is scheduled for 2003.

"Clearly, global warming is an issue the tourism industry must – and I think
will – pay more and more attention to in the near future," says Wall.

But given the IPCC's finding that planetary warming is already happening, and
given the prospect of at least moderate warming and sea-level rise in the

near future even under the most optimistic mitigation scenarios, Wall says

that at-risk tourism sectors have no choice but to prepare for and adapt to

climate-related impacts already in the pipeline.

Ski resorts, for example, may need to counteract warmer temperatures by
pushing slopes farther up mountainsides, if possible. They might also want to

"diversify" their services by offering ski-lift access to summer hikers. And

investors eyeing construction of new beach resorts should build facilities

significantly farther back from the surf in anticipation of sea-level rise,

according to Wall – a process the IPCC report calls "managed retreat."

Beyond adaptation, many industry observers say any strategy aimed at slowing
global warming and restabilizing the world's climate must include a close

look at the travel and tourism industry's own contribution to greenhouse


Air travel and transport alone, for example, add more than 500 million tons
of CO2 to the Earth's atmosphere each year, according to the IPCC. And as

people travel more, courtesy of ever-rising Western affluence, the problem

only gets worse. By 2050, a full 15 percent of the world's CO2 could come

from travel and tourism, according to Green Globe 21, a Bournemouth, England,

trade association.

"We're loving the planet to death," says John Berger, author of "Beating the
Heat: Why and How We Must Combat Global Warming." "You look at the IPCC

findings and you realize tourists and travel businesses – just like all

people and all businesses in the developed nations – have to reduce their

contribution to the problem or perhaps say goodbye to places and things

they've always considered eternal."

How that can be done is a hot-button political issue in the United States,
given the current era of SUV mania and a conservative White House firmly

opposed – due to economic fears – to the internationally negotiated Kyoto

protocol, which is aimed at cutting global emissions of greenhouse gases. But

the IPCC report makes clear that the goal of stopping global warming can only

be achieved by cutting such gases, especially CO2, well below current levels.

Hence, travelers should consider reducing their use of fossil fuels – at home
and away – while supporting the development and use of nonpolluting renewable

energies (solar, wind, fuel made from plants), according to Wall and others.

Already, a few pioneering companies have begun marketing "low-impact"

recreation to tourists, and others are setting company CO2-reduction goals

with environmentally conscious travelers in mind.

Travelers' Choices

Though the research is discouraging and often frightening, many scientists
agree that meaningful reductions in CO2 emissions could restabilize the

world's climate in time to prevent most of the worst effects. As for

tourists, not only can they contribute individually to the solution, but the

tourism industry as a whole, some observers believe, could serve as an

important tool for mass education and a model for global change.

The Aspen Skiing Co. (ASC) certainly thinks so. Two years ago, in direct
response to global warming and other environmental concerns, the nation's

fifth-largest ski-resort company designed and constructed its own "green"

restaurant and ski lodge. The 24,000-square-foot facility features recycled

building materials, passive solar heating and 30 percent wind-generated

electricity, representing an industry model of eco-friendliness. One entire

ski lift is also powered by renewable energy. And last April the same company

adopted the ski industry's first-ever corporate policy on climate change,

pledging a 10 percent reduction in total company CO2 emissions by 2010.

Today, upon arrival, guests of the Aspen Skiing Co. are given suggestions on
how they can lessen their own impacts during their stay (don't wash hotel

linens daily; take free shuttles from hotels to the slopes) and things they

can do upon returning home, including using energy-saving fluorescent bulbs

and turning water heaters down to 120 degrees.

To lessen industry impact further, the nonprofit trade association Pacific
Asia Travel recently proposed recommendations ranging from increased emphasis

on rail travel to lowering the ceilings of hotel ballrooms (saves on heating

and cooling) to developing standard environmental "audits" to help companies

voluntarily measure their CO2


Meanwhile, the British environmental trade association Green Globe 21 has
established a Web site for tourists interested in learning more about global

warming and what can be done (see box). Starting later this month, tourists

can even use a "CO2 calculator" on the site to assess the impact of their own

trips on global warming. And in 1999, in the only comprehensive, worldwide

program of its kind, Green Globe 21 began officially certifying "green"

tourism companies – with an emphasis on CO2 reduction – and providing a

directory for interested tourists (see box).

Educating government policymakers about climate change impacts should be an
additional strategy of the tourism industry, according to Eugenio Yunis of

the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in Madrid. The WTO, an intergovernmental

research and support group whose members include 135 national governments

from five continents, has recently commissioned a $70,000, first-of-its-kind

study to estimate global warming's potential impact – in dollars – on winter

recreation destinations and small-island nations worldwide.

"Our hope is that more concrete monetary figures will help clarify the
gravity for both the industry and for world leaders," says Yunis, who heads

the WTO office for sustainable tourism development.

"Just as tourists need to realize the possible loss of destinations they
cherish," says Yunis, "governments need to see the loss to the world

economy." Still, some observers see risks for the industry in fighting global

warming. Any international protocol, for example, mandating sharp cuts in CO2

emissions could seriously dampen air travel to distant destinations, bringing

near-term losses to many businesses. Additional fears exist over suggestions

that tourists be encouraged to voluntarily travel closer to home.

Despite all the recent and fast-blooming attention paid to global warming and
various concrete steps toward a solution, the tourism business as a whole is

still only just now waking up to the issue, industry experts agree.

"To be honest," says Maloney of the American Society of Travel Agents, "we
still tend to be more focused on short-term issues like dead animals in

Europe and Seattle earthquakes than what might happen to the weather 50 years

from now."

Still, Yunis, Wall and others predict that climate change will climb toward
the top of the industry's list of concerns as impacts rise with temperatures.

"Global warming means there are challenges ahead for this industry," says
Yunis. "No doubt about it. The question is whether we can change fast enough

and prepare well enough to limit the adverse effects."

Mike Tidwell's most recent book is "In the Mountains of Heaven: Tales of
Adventure on Six Continents" (Lyons Press).

What You Can Do

Here are a few ways travelers can reduce their contribution to global warming:

• Consider taking the train. According to the U.S. Department of
Transportation, rail travel emits about half the planet-warming carbon

dioxide per passenger mile as car and plane travel.

• Once at your destination, take public transportation, walk, bike or rent
fuel-efficient cars.

Avoid energy-guzzling activities such as snowmobiling, jet skiing,
hot-tubbing and other "high impact" recreation.

• Patronize "green" companies. Some hotels, resorts, outfitters and other
tourism-related businesses have adopted ecologically sound practices in

recent years. For a list of environmentally friendly companies certified

worldwide by Green Globe 21 – a trade association in Bournemouth, England,

that promotes green travel – visit and click on

"membership list," or call 011-44-1-202-312-001.

Another guide to eco-friendly tour operators, lodges and trip-planning
consultants can be found at the International Ecotourism Society's Web site,, or call 802-651-9818.

• Practice conservation measures in your hotel room: Turn off unnecessary
lights and request that linens and towels not be washed every day.

INFORMATION: To learn more about global climate change, what's causing it and
what can be done, visit the following Web sites:

• U.S Environmental Protection Agency,

• U.N.'s "Climate Change Information Kit,"

• Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) "Third Assessment

Two of the best books on the subject are John J. Berger's "Beating the Heat"
(Berkley Hills Books) and Ross Gelbspan's "The Heat Is On" (Addison-Wesley).

© 2001 The Washington Post Company

US Senate panel delays action on Alaska drilling


USA: September 10, 2001


WASHINGTON - The Senate Energy Committee resumes debate this week on a broad
U.S. energy bill, but will postpone until later this month any action to open

the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, a panel spokesman said last



Opening the Alaskan wilderness area is key to the White House plan to boost
domestic energy supplies, but environmental groups and many Democratic

lawmakers are against it.

The panel will vote on electricity deregulation provisions this week, but

won't consider Alaska drilling until the week of Sept. 17 at the earliest,

the panel spokesman said. The committee earlier had planned to consider the

controversial drilling issue this week.

The Bush administration wants to open a total of 1.5 million acres (607,500
hectares) of the refuge's 19 million acres (7.7 million hectares) to

exploration. The White House claims only about 2,000 acres (810 hectares) of

the Alaskan wilderness refuge would be directly affected by drilling

equipment at any given time.

The refuge, located on Alaska's northern coast, is home to snow geese,
caribou, polar bears and other wildlife. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

calls the refuge "one of the finest examples of wilderness left on the

planet" and one of the least affected by modern man.

A Democratic-sponsored energy bill does not allow drilling, but Republicans
are expected to offer language during the committee's legislative debate to

open the refuge.

A recent Reuters survey of the committee's 23 members showed such legislation
would pass the panel by a one-vote majority, because of two Democrats who are

expected to vote for drilling and one Republican who opposes it.

Democrats Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Hawaii's Daniel Akaka are expected
to break ranks with their party to support drilling. By contrast, Oregon

Republican Gordon Smith has said he'll vote against opening the refuge.


The committee's chairman, Democrat Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico, said drilling
in the refuge would not produce enough oil to affect U.S. energy costs.

"Oil produced from the Arctic refuge is not likely to influence the world
price of oil, or the prices that U.S. consumers pay for gasoline," he said

last week in a speech on the Senate floor.

Drilling supporters argue the refuge could hold up to 16 billion barrels of
oil. The United States consumes nearly 20 million barrels of petroleum each

day, and must import more than half of that amount.

Green groups and some Democrats say a better energy policy approach is to
tighten U.S. mileage standards for sport utility vehicles, pickup trucks and

cars to reduce demand.

The Teamsters Union is lobbying senators to back the Alaska drilling plan,
claiming it would create more than 700,000 jobs. That estimate, however, has

been criticized by environmental groups as based on a ten-year-old study that

didn't take into account other world oil market factors.

The League of Conservation Voters and other groups that oppose drilling say
the number of jobs created by drilling in the refuge would be closer to


President George W. Bush last week, expressing concern over a report that
showed the U.S. unemployment rate hit a four-year high in August, urged

Congress to pass his energy plan.

"To help get our economy moving again, Congress needs to enact an energy plan
which will lower energy costs and create jobs," Bush told reporters.

The administration said earlier this year that its plan was a long-term
policy and would not have much short-term benefit.


The Senate energy panel has already cleared the legislation's less
controversial research and development provisions.

Next Thursday, the committee will begin debating the bill's electricity
market reform provisions, which could take up to three days to complete, the

panel spokesman said.

Bingaman has said he wants the committee to finish its work on the bill by
the end of the month. The measure would then go to the Senate floor, where it

has an uncertain fate.

Several moderate Republican lawmakers from the Northeast states have already
come out against drilling in the refuge, which could doom the bill.

Democrats Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut and John Kerry of Massachusetts
have vowed to filibuste???allows drilling in the refuge.

In contrast, Republican Ted Stevens of Alaska said he would block any bill
that does not open the refuge.

The House of Representatives approved a comprehensive energy bill last month
that allows drilling in the refuge.

However, a shrinking budget surplus means that much of the $33 billion in the
House bill for energy tax breaks will be rejected by the Senate, a

congressional staffer said.

"It's clear it's going to have to be scaled back dramatically from what the
House has," the staffer said. "There aren't a lot of extra dollars to fund

these kinds of things.


Story by Tom Doggett


WWF leaders urge quick action to save the Arctic


CANADA: September 10, 2001


TORONTO - Quick action to save the fragile environment of the Arctic was
urged last week by a summit of World Wildlife Fund leaders from eight Arctic



The Arctic is seriously threatened by global warming and oil and gas
development and nations with Arctic regions must act quickly to halt the

damage before it's too late, said WWF leaders from Canada, Russia, the United

States, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark/Greenland meeting in


Singled out for criticism were U.S. government plans to allow oil and gas

drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Brooks Yeager, the WWF's

U.S. representative, said that proponents of the Arctic drilling are basing

their hopes on false pretenses.

"The amount of oil produced will not lower prices or reduce the need for the
U.S. to find new ways to conserve," he said.

Also stressed at the meeting was the need for cooperation in the face of
climate change in the Arctic, where, said Igor Chestin, director of the WWF

Russian Program, the effects are most severe.

"Sweden is a small country, and we need to team up," said Lars Kristoferson,
chief executive of WWF-Sweden. "We have the chance to do something before

we're up against a wall."

Monte Hummel, president of WWF-Canada, said he had lunch with former Canadian
prime minister John Turner last week, and he quoted Turner as saying "this is

really the last chance for humanity to get it right."

"The Arctic region pops out as having some of the last pristine and
unfragmented areas of wildlife in the world," Hummel said. "The WWF can't do

all of this, but it can have a key role in insuring that it gets done."



Global Warming Threatens UK With Little Ice Age

Scientists in Aberdeen have confirmed the local nightmare of global
warming - that rising sea temperatures might be about to affect ocean

currents. Sarah Hughes, an oceanographer at the fisheries research

station at Aberdeen, told the British Association science festival

yesterday that water flow from the Arctic past the north of Scotland had

decreased by 20% since 1950. This flow is part of what marine scientists

called the "global conveyor", a vast submarine flow of water south from

the Arctic. It is replaced by water flowing north from the tropics - the

Gulf Stream that keeps Britain 5C warmer than expected at these

latitudes. (9-07-01) From the Guardian.,7369,548052,00.html

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