Earth Day Sunday 2000
Good Stewards of God's Gift of Energy

Clean Energy Agenda: Suggested Messages
(consider reproducing onto post cards)

Dear Senator:

I am writing as a person of faith to urge you to support a Clean Energy Agenda for the 21st century. Our society's addiction to fossil fuels, as seen by the growing evidence of global warming, is unsustainable. It is now time for a transition to a just and sustainable energy economy that includes support for clean and efficient cars, clean power plants, increased funding for non-hydro renewable resources such as wind and solar, an end to taxpayer support for the coal, oil and nuclear industries, and provision of resources and job retraining for affected workers and communities.

I encourage you to support efforts which ensure the protection of God's creation and the future of all our children.




Dear President (Bush):

I am writing as a person of faith to urge you to support a Clean Energy Agenda for the 21st century. Our society's addiction to fossil fuels, as seen by the growing evidence of global warming, is unsustainable. It is now time for a transition to a just and sustainable energy economy that includes support for clean and efficient cars, clean power plants, increased funding for non-hydro renewable resources such as wind and solar, an end to taxpayer support for the coal, oil and nuclear industries, and provision of resources and job retraining for affected workers and communities.

I encourage you to support efforts which ensure the protection of God's creation and the future of all our children.

