Earth Day Sunday 2000
Good Stewards of God's Gift of Energy

A Message from the Eco-Justice Working Group of the National Council of Churches

Though every day we honor God's good gift of creation, on Earth Day Sunday, we give special thanks for all the wonders of creation.

Because Earth Day (April 22) is between the western Good Friday and Easter, your congregation may choose another Sunday for its Earth Day Sunday celebrations such as April 30, the Sunday after Easter or April 2 a day that many evangelical Christians will celebrate as "Creation Sunday."

This year we celebrate the gift of energy. The Bible teaches that all of God's gifts are given with the expectation that we will take care of them responsibly. However, we have not been good stewards of energy which we often waste or misuse. Our over-reliance on fossil fuels contributes to pollution and climate change.

God heals what human beings have broken. Christians are called by God to participate in God's healing and restoration of creation. When we use forms of energy which minimize pollution and mitigate climate change, we witness to God's work in the world.

May God bless you in your effort to heal and protect God's creation.

Richard Killmer, Director, Environmental Justice, National Council of Churches, 212-870-2385