Interfaith Global Climate Campaigns: Michigan

Coordinator: Kim Winchell
10514 Webster Rd.
Freeland, MI 48623
home: 989-695-2402
fax: 989-695-2402 (call first)

  1. Mission Statement

  2. Suggestions for a Faithful Response

  3. Religious Leaders' Statement

  4. Michigan News!



is a statewide initiative reaching across the spectrum of faith communities in Michigan to raise awareness and understanding of global warming as an issue with religious, moral, and justice implications.

Religious, because climate change due to global warming will impact all of creation in profound ways, and indeed, has already begun to. We are called by God to tend and keep the earth.

Moral, because we know what needs to be done, what should be done... we just need the will to do it. The U.S. should support international measures such as the Kyoto Protocol as a first step and encourage the use of more efficient and cleaner energy at home and abroad.

Taking steps to mitigate global warming is also a matter of justice because the poor of the world and those living on low-lying island nations and in the inner cities will suffer first and the most, from rising ocean levels, heat waves, severe storms, and the spread of disease. Meanwhile, the industrialized, rich nations of the world are the ones chiefly responsible for the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions. Justice demands that we be accountable and be among the first to act. Faithfulness to God entails loving our neighbors and seeking justice. The Michigan campaign is one of 18 similar statewide efforts in cooperation with the National Religious Partnership for the Environment and the Eco-Justice Working Group of the National Council of Churches.

The Michigan Campaign began in June 1999 and is continuing to provide faith-based educational resources on the issue of global warming and information on energy efficiency for individuals and congregations. The Michigan Interfaith Coalition for Creation (MICC) is the organizational home for this ongoing effort.

CONTACT PEOPLE to call for more information or to request resource materials:

Kim Winchell, Campaign Coordinator 989-695-2402

Patty Gillis, Detroit area 313-822-4296



individual choices: recycle, use compact fluorescent bulbs, use a clothesline for drying laundry, drive less, use a more fuel efficient car, buy Energy Star labeled appliances, join the Interfaith GW Campaign e-mail alert list, write your legislators and urge them to support energy efficiency and cleaner and renewable sources of energy... plant trees!!

in congregations:

(1) educational opportunities - utilize a bible study guide on caring for creation / global warming [available from MI GW Campaign], sponsor discussions on the connections between caring for the Earth and religious faith - perhaps in conjunction with a showing of the videos, "Keeping the Earth - Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment" or "God's Creation and Global Warming." [The Michigan Campaign has copies of both available for lending]

(2) action opportunities - take steps to improve the energy efficiency of your house of worship... save money AND help decrease the carbon dioxide emissions which contribute to global warming. Contact the Michigan Interfaith Global Warming Campaign staff , or the Energy Stewardship Congregation program at 1-800-288-1346, or the EPA at 1-888-STAR YES (or for free energy efficiency information.



Web of Creation

World Resources Institute

National Religious Partnership for the Environment

Union of Concerned Scientists

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office

EPA Energy Star Program


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