Earth Day Opening Liturgy (Seattle University, 1996)

11:45 am
Gather at the top of new steps for brief rehearsal
Prayer readers find their appropriate banner carriers
Members of choir gather around fountain

12:00 noon
Members of Hawaiian Club signal beginning of prayer by blowing on conch shell
Fr. Janowiak leads opening prayer
Drummers and banner carriers lead procession to the quad. The Ignatian banner goes first.
As the procession enters the quad, the choir sings the first song.
Procession circles fountain once
Main banner carriers go to each of the four microphones at the four corners with the prayer readers. Other banner carriers stand where they will among the crowd around the fountain.
Prayers are offered from the four directions
After the last direction prayer has been said, choir sings another song
Final prayer: Fr. Janowiak says closing prayer
Release of Lady Bugs

This service was provided by Earth Ministry

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