Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Disciples of Christ
Report of the Task Force on Christian Lifestyle and Ecology:
The Alverna Covenant

The Task Force on Christian Lifestyle and Ecology was created by the Administrative Commitee of the General Board, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in reponse to General Assembly Resolution 7754, "Resolution Concerning a Task Force on Ecology." It is related to the Division of Homeland Minstries for administration. The Task Force was created to make recommendations on environmental stewardship and lifestyle matters to members, congregations, regions, and general units of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

The Task Force is pleased to report a steadily increasing concern for environmental stewardship and lifestyle issues within both chruch and society. The widely publicized celebration of Earth Day 1990 resulted in a swelling of interest and action. For example, many bodies of the church have ended the practice of using disposable table service. The use of recycled material is increasingly common. The Alverma Covenant (environmental stewardship covenant created by the Task Force) was signed by more than 1800 persons in 1990. The brings the total number of signers to more than 3000.

The Task Force is distressed to report that the state of the environment is only minimally improved. Much work needs to be done including careful attention to lifestyle adjustments, consumption reduction, production methods and amounts monitoring, reuse processes development, and recycling.

The Task Force is interested in hearing the concerns and reports of actions by Disciples on ecological and lifestyle issues. Communications may be addressed to: Task Force on Christian Lifestyle and Ecology, P.O. Box 1986, Indianapolis, IN 46206.

The Alverna Covenant
God has created the world with finite resources
God has given to us the stewardship of the earth
God has established order through many natural cycles 
We are consuming resources at a rate that cannot be maintained
We are interrupting many natural cycles
We are irresponsibly modifying the environment through consumption and pollution
We are populating the earth at a rate that cannot be maintained
As a member of the human family and a follower of Jesus Christ, I hereby covenant that:
I will change my lifestyle to reduce my contribution to pollution
I will support recycling efforts
I will search for sustainable lifestyles
I will work for public policies which lead to a just and sustainable society
I will share these concerns with others and urge tham to make this covenant.

Concerning A Period Of Worship And Study On Environmental Stewardship

 WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has passed resolutions affirming the church's commitment to responsible stewardship of creation; and

WHEREAS, there is increased interest among members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in issues concerning the environment as evidenced in increased numbers of signers of the Alverna Covenant and reported congregational interest in stewardship of creation; and

WHEREAS, The Task Force on Christian Lifestyle and Ecology has created materials for worship, study, and action; and

WHEREAS, worship lies at the heart of congregational life and energizes Christians to live faithfully in response to God's call;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma, October 25-30, 1991, call upon congregations to set aside a minumum of one week per year for worship and study experiences which include:

a. confession of our misuse of God's creation,
b. prayer for God's guidance in making ecologically sound choices,
c. celebration of the beauty of creation,
d. exploration of local environmental issues,
e. commitment to lifestyle change at home and in the congregation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the General Assembly call on each member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to affirm his or her Christian commitment to an ecologically responsible lifestyle (by actions such as signing and fulfilling the Alverna Covenant).